Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chapter # 8: Administering Assessment

By Licda. Guiselle Weelkly

Chapter 8
"Administering Assessment" 
As teachers that prepare students'  tests, they should be  concious that children are different, therefore,  all the opportunities we can offer to them, in order to do well while they are doing their tests,  will be accepted.  There are some considerations Prior to Test Administration that we should take in consideration:
1* Scheduling the Test: Ideally,  the assessment should be schedule so that students might prepare themselves properly. It is important that as teachers we may check that the date of the test does not coincide with special events and of course try to be there, so that when questions arise we will be able to answer our students and clarify doubts.

2* Provide Information to Students:  Detailed all the necessary information to your students( present the information on a communication shet paper so that parents can be aware as well) as to what they can or cannot bring when developping their exams, policies about arriving and departing. If dictionaries are allowed, make sure all students have the same one, and check them for notes insides.  Inform students about your expectations for items they must provide.

3* Academic Dishonesty:   At the begining of every academic year,  inform the students about the terms and policy of academic behavior,  especially towards cheating, plagiarism, and impermissible collaboration.

4* Physical Setting:  The setting for a test should provide an atmosphere that is conductive to student learning, the test room should be free from interruptions and background noise  having adequate ventilation and proper lighting.

5* Test Assembly:   The test should be professionally compiled with all the detailed information about the name of the test, period, institution's name, teacher's name, student's  name, date, allowed time, total value and percentage,  general instructions as well as clear indications for students to follow, amids others.
 6* Answer Sheets: There are two ways for students to give in their asnwers; by recording their answers on  the test itself or transfer them to an answer sheet.  If you use answer sheets,  take in account the time they will take to transfer their answers,  if you use it for listening, let them know they must wait until all the listening is over before they start to transfer their answers.

Prepare the test materials in advance (like equipments, extra pens, pencils, scratch paper, pencil sharpener, stapler, tissues, extra copies of the exam), if the students or yourself spot a problem with a question, inform them immediately.  Have a HELP! card to be place on the door of a classroom if,  for example there are many classes at the same time applying the test.
An excellent  Test Administration takes in account many aspects such as:

  • Time
  • Administrator' role
  • Test Security
  • Grading
  • Grade Availability and expectations
  • Surprise Tests/Pop Quizzes
  • Latecomers
  • Incident Reports
  • Accommodations Policy


    1. Your students must be happy to have you as a teacher, and I can see how lucky they are. You seem to, not only knowing what you are talking about, but enjoying it.
      This is a great blog for English teachers.
      Keep it up!

    2. Hello Katti, thank you sooo much ma!
      Likewise girl, we are all in the same manner, God bless you too dear.
      Have an excellent vacation as well!
      Take care and please remember: Keep up the good work you have started with the help of Jesus.
